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analysis of motion中文是什么意思

用"analysis of motion"造句"analysis of motion"怎么读"analysis of motion" in a sentence


  • 运动分析


  • Analysis of motion and parameters of the vibrating rice seedling feeding device
  • Image processing applying in analysis of motion features of cultured cardiac myocyte in rat
  • The development of emulational software for analysis of motion in plane gemel four - linkage based on matlab software
  • In addition , motion capture data records the motion of a real character , so it is natural that traditional animation techniques such as key - frame , dynamics , kinematics , space - time constraints , and dynamical simulation are closely relative to the processing and analysis of motion capture data
  • Based on the analysis of motion principal of a new intelligent knot tying machine ' s electromechanical system , putted forward two methods for the device on motion control according to two designs of the pattern , and then evaluated the performance of two methods in theory as well as in practice
  • Based on the analysis of motion characteristic of metal pushing v - belt type continuously variable transmission and transmission mechanism of metal belt , the relationship between the thrust of driving and the driven pulley are ascertained under no load and load , and the control model of pressure of driving and driven pulley oil cylinder are established in different ratio and transmitted torque
用"analysis of motion"造句  
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